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The function buildAxis is built to provide more control of the number of labels on the axis. This function is still under development.


buildAxis(side, limits, n, nMin = 2, nMax = 10, extend = 2, eps = 10^-12, ...)



The side of the plot where to add the axis.


Either lower and upper limits on the axis or a dataset.


The preferred number of axis labels.


The minimum number of axis labels.


The maximum number of axis labels.


How far the axis may extend beyond range(limits).


The smallest increment allowed.


Arguments passed to axis


A vector of the axis plotted.


The primary reason behind building this function was to allow a plot to be created with similar features but with different datasets. For instance, if a set of code was written for one dataset and the function axis had been utilized with pre-specified values, the axis may not match the plot of a new set of data. The function buildAxis addresses this problem by allowing the number of axis labels to be specified and controlled.

The axis is built by assigning penalties to a variety of potential axis setups, ranking them based on these penalties and then selecting the axis with the best score.


David Diez


# ===> 0 <===#
limits <- rnorm(100, 605490, 10)
hist(limits, axes = FALSE)
buildAxis(1, limits, 2, nMax = 4)

# ===> 1 <===#
x <- seq(0, 500, 10)
y <- 8 * x + rnorm(length(x), mean = 6000, sd = 200)
plot(x, y, axes = FALSE)
buildAxis(1, limits = x, n = 5)
buildAxis(2, limits = y, n = 3)

# ===> 2 <===#
x <- 9528412 + seq(0, 200, 10)
y <- 8 * x + rnorm(length(x), mean = 6000, sd = 200)
plot(x, y, axes = FALSE)
temp <- buildAxis(1, limits = x, n = 4)
buildAxis(2, y, 3)

# ===> 3 <===#
x <- seq(367, 1251, 10)
y <- 7.5 * x + rnorm(length(x), mean = 6000, sd = 800)
plot(x, y, axes = FALSE)
buildAxis(1, limits = x, n = 4, nMin = 3, nMax = 3)
buildAxis(2, limits = y, n = 4, nMin = 3, nMax = 5)

# ===> 4 <===#
x <- seq(367, 367.1, 0.001)
y <- 7.5 * x + rnorm(length(x), mean = 6000, sd = 0.01)
plot(x, y, axes = FALSE)
buildAxis(1, limits = x, n = 4, nMin = 5, nMax = 6)
buildAxis(2, limits = y, n = 2, nMin = 3, nMax = 4)

# ===> 5 <===#
x <- seq(-0.05, -0.003, 0.0001)
y <- 50 + 20 * x + rnorm(length(x), sd = 0.1)
plot(x, y, axes = FALSE)
buildAxis(1, limits = x, n = 4, nMin = 5, nMax = 6)
buildAxis(2, limits = y, n = 4, nMax = 5)
abline(lm(y ~ x))

# ===> 6 <===#
x <- seq(-0.0097, -0.008, 0.0001)
y <- 50 + 20 * x + rnorm(length(x), sd = 0.1)
plot(x, y, axes = FALSE)
buildAxis(1, limits = x, n = 4, nMin = 2, nMax = 5)
buildAxis(2, limits = y, n = 4, nMax = 5)
abline(lm(y ~ x))

# ===> 7 <===#
x <- seq(0.03, -0.003099, -0.00001)
y <- 50 + 20 * x + rnorm(length(x), sd = 0.1)
plot(x, y, axes = FALSE)
buildAxis(1, limits = x, n = 4, nMin = 2, nMax = 5)
buildAxis(2, limits = y, n = 4, nMax = 6)
abline(lm(y ~ x))

# ===> 8 - repeat <===#
m <- runif(1) / runif(1) +
  rgamma(1, runif(1) / runif(1), runif(1) / runif(1))
s <- rgamma(1, runif(1) / runif(1), runif(1) / runif(1))
x <- rnorm(50, m, s)
hist(x, axes = FALSE)
buildAxis(1, limits = x, n = 5, nMin = 4, nMax = 6, eps = 10^-12)

if (diff(range(x)) < 10^-12) {
  cat("too small\n")