Results from a Yahoo! News poll conducted by YouGov on May 29-31, 2020. In total 1060 U.S. adults were asked a series of questions regarding race and justice in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by a police officer. Results in this dataset are percentages for the question, "Do you think Blacks and Whites receive equal treatment from the police?" For this particular question there were 1059 respondents.
A data frame with 1,059 rows and 2 variables.
- race_eth
Race/ethnicity of respondent, with levels
, andOther
.- response
Response to the question "Do you think Black and White people receive equal treatment from the police?", with levels
, andNot sure
# Conditional probabilities of response for each race/ethnicity
race_justice |>
count(race_eth, response) |>
group_by(race_eth) |>
mutate(prop = n / sum(n))
#> # A tibble: 12 × 4
#> # Groups: race_eth [4]
#> race_eth response n prop
#> <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 White Yes 201 0.260
#> 2 White No 486 0.630
#> 3 White Not sure 85 0.110
#> 4 Black Yes 6 0.0594
#> 5 Black No 92 0.911
#> 6 Black Not sure 3 0.0297
#> 7 Hispanic Yes 15 0.144
#> 8 Hispanic No 75 0.721
#> 9 Hispanic Not sure 14 0.135
#> 10 Other Yes 14 0.171
#> 11 Other No 47 0.573
#> 12 Other Not sure 21 0.256
# Stacked bar plot of counts
ggplot(race_justice, aes(x = race_eth, fill = response)) +
geom_bar() +
x = "Race / ethnicity",
y = "Count",
title = "Do you think Black and White people receive
equal treatment from the police?",
fill = "Response"
# Stacked bar plot of proportions
ggplot(race_justice, aes(x = race_eth, fill = response)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill") +
x = "Race / ethnicity",
y = "Proportion",
title = "Do you think Black and White people receive
equal treatment from the police?",
fill = "Response"