Salary data for Major League Baseball players in the year 2010.
A data frame with 828 observations on the following 4 variables.
- player
Player name
- team
- position
Field position
- salary
Salary (in $1000s)
Source, retrieved 2011-02-23.
# _____ Basic Histogram _____ #
hist(mlb$salary / 1000,
breaks = 15,
main = "", xlab = "Salary (millions of dollars)", ylab = "",
axes = FALSE,
col = "#22558844"
axis(1, seq(0, 40, 10))
axis(2, c(0, 500))
axis(2, seq(100, 400, 100), rep("", 4), tcl = -0.2)
# _____ Histogram on Log Scale _____ #
hist(log(mlb$salary / 1000),
breaks = 15,
main = "", xlab = "log(Salary)", ylab = "",
axes = FALSE, col = "#22558844"
axis(1) # , seq(0, 40, 10))
axis(2, seq(0, 300, 100))
# _____ Box plot of log(salary) against position _____ #
boxPlot(log(mlb$salary / 1000), mlb$position, horiz = TRUE, ylab = "")