A survey of 55 Duke University students asked about their GPA, number of hours they study at night, number of nights they go out, and their gender.
A data frame with 55 observations on the following 5 variables.
- studyweek
a numeric vector
- sleepnight
a numeric vector
- out
a numeric vector
- gender
a factor with levels
#> # A tibble: 55 × 5
#> gpa studyweek sleepnight out gender
#> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
#> 1 3.89 50 6 3 female
#> 2 3.9 15 6 1 female
#> 3 3.75 15 7 1 female
#> 4 3.6 10 6 4 male
#> 5 4 25 7 3 female
#> 6 3.15 20 7 3 male
#> 7 3.25 15 6 1 female
#> 8 3.92 10 8 3 female
#> 9 3.43 12 8 2 female
#> 10 3.8 2 8 4 male
#> # ℹ 45 more rows