Country International Organization for Standardization (ISO) information.
A data frame with 249 observations on the following 4 variables.
- country_code
Two-letter ISO country code.
- country_name
Country name.
- year
Year the two-letter ISO country code was assigned.
- top_level_domain
op-level domain name.
Wikipedia, retrieved 2018-11-18.
#> # A tibble: 249 × 4
#> country_code country_name year top_level_domain
#> <fct> <fct> <int> <fct>
#> 1 AD Andorra 1974 .ad
#> 2 AE United Arab Emirates 1974 .ae
#> 3 AF Afghanistan 1974 .af
#> 4 AG Antigua and Barbuda 1974 .ag
#> 5 AI Anguilla 1985 .ai
#> 6 AL Albania 1974 .al
#> 7 AM Armenia 1992 .am
#> 8 AO Angola 1974 .ao
#> 9 AQ Antarctica 1974 .aq
#> 10 AR Argentina 1974 .ar
#> # ℹ 239 more rows