Summary of the changes in the president and vice president for the United States of America.
A data frame with 67 observations on the following 5 variables.
- potus
President of the United States
- party
Political party of the president
- start
Start year
- end
End year
- vpotus
Vice President of the United States
Presidents of the United States (table) – (visited: Nov 2nd, 2010) and
#> # A tibble: 67 × 5
#> potus party start end vpotus
#> <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <fct>
#> 1 George Washington " " 1789 1797 John Adams
#> 2 John Adams "Federalist" 1797 1801 Thomas Jefferson
#> 3 Thomas Jefferson "Democratic-Republican" 1801 1805 Aaron Burr
#> 4 Thomas Jefferson "Democratic-Republican" 1805 1809 George Clinton
#> 5 James Madison "Democratic-Republican" 1809 1812 George Clinton
#> 6 James Madison "Democratic-Republican" 1812 1813 No Vice President
#> 7 James Madison "Democratic-Republican" 1813 1814 Elbridge Gerry
#> 8 James Madison "Democratic-Republican" 1814 1817 No Vice President
#> 9 James Monroe "Democratic-Republican" 1817 1825 Daniel D. Tompkins
#> 10 John Quincy Adams "Democratic-Republican" 1825 1829 John C. Calhoun
#> # ℹ 57 more rows