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The dataset represents a sample of 1,000 DDS consumers (out of a total population of approximately 250,000),and includes information about age, gender, ethnicity, and the amount of financial support per consumer provided by the DDS.The dataset is based on recorded attributes of consumers, but has been altered to maintain consumer privacy. From the Taylor and Mickel paper: "The data set originated from DDS’s Client Master File. In order to remain in compliance with California State Legislation, the data have been altered to protect the rights and privacy of specific individual consumers. The provided data set is based on actual attributes of consumers."




A dataframe with 1000 rows and 6 variables:


Numeric, Unique identification code for each resident


A factor, 0-5 years, 6-12 years, 13-17 years, 18-21 years, 22-50 years, and 51+ years


Numeric, Age measured in years


A factor, with levels Female or Male


Numeric, Amount of expenditures spent by the State on an individual annually, measured in USD


Factor, Ethnic group, recorded as American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic, Multi Race, Native Hawaiian, Other, White not Hispanic

#' @references Taylor, Stanley A., and Amy E. Mickel. Simpson's paradox: A data set and discrimination case study exercise. Journal of Statistics Education 22.1 (2014). Data contained in supplement B of Taylor and Mickel.