Basketball players who make several baskets in succession are described as having a hot hand. Fans and players have long believed in the hot hand phenomenon, which refutes the assumption that each shot is independent of the next. However, a 1985 paper by Gilovich, Vallone, and Tversky collected evidence that contradicted this belief and showed that successive shots are independent events. This paper started a great controversy that continues to this day, as you can see by Googling hot hand basketball.
We do not expect to resolve this controversy today. However, in this lab we’ll apply one approach to answering questions like this. The goals for this lab are to (1) think about the effects of independent and dependent events, (2) learn how to simulate shooting streaks in R, and (3) to compare a simulation to actual data in order to determine if the hot hand phenomenon appears to be real.
Your investigation will focus on the performance of one player: Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers. His performance against the Orlando Magic in the 2009 NBA Finals earned him the title Most Valuable Player and many spectators commented on how he appeared to show a hot hand. The data file we’ll use is called kobe_basket. Import this dataset from the OpenIntro
Dataset Repository into your Rguroo environment (see figure below). After importing the dataset, the name kobe_basket appears in the Data toolbox. Double-click on the name to view the data.
Importing the kobe_basket data from the OpenIntro Dataset Repository
This data frame contains 133 observations and 6 variables, where every row records a shot taken by Kobe Bryant. The shot variable in this dataset indicates whether the shot was a hit (H
) or a miss (M
Just looking at the string of hits and misses, it can be difficult to gauge whether or not it seems like Kobe was shooting with a hot hand. One way we can approach this is by considering the belief that hot hand shooters tend to go on shooting streaks. For this lab, we define the length of a shooting streak to be the number of consecutive baskets made until a miss occurs.
For example, in Game 1 Kobe had the following sequence of hits and misses from his nine shot attempts in the first quarter:
\[ \textrm{H M | M | H H M | M | M | M} \]
You can verify this by viewing the first 9 rows of the data in the data viewer.
Within the nine shot attempts, there are six streaks, which are separated by a “|” above. Their lengths are one, zero, two, zero, zero, zero (in order of occurrence).
Counting streak lengths manually for all 133 shots would get tedious, so we ask Rguroo to compute the streak lengths. For this lab, you can get the streak lengths in one of the two ways: (1) Upload the dataset kobe_streak from Rguroo’s Open Intro
dataset repository; this includes the streak lengths. (2) you can apply an R function, called calc_streak
, in the Transform function to calculate the streak lengths from the kobe_basket dataset. We refer to these as Method 1 and Method 2, respectively.
The dataset kobe_streak
in the Open Intro dataset repository contains computed values of the streak lengths. This dataset has 76 rows, and one variable also named kobe_streak. Import this dataset from the Rguroo repository the same way that you imported the kobe_basket file above. If you like to know what an R code looks like for computing the streak lengths, read Method 2. Otherwise, skip to the section “Now that we have the Kobe Streak lengths.”
To compute the length of the streaks from the kobe_basket
dataset, we run the R code below in the Transform function.
# A function that calculates streaks
calc_streak <- function (x) {
if (!is.atomic(x))
x <- x[, 1]
y <- rep(0, length(x))
y[x == "H"] <- 1
y <- c(0, y, 0)
wz <- which(y == 0)
streak <- diff(wz) - 1
# Apply the function
In the R code above, line number 1, which starts with #
, is a comment and not part of the program. In the R language, lines that begin with this symbol are for adding comments to the program. Lines 2 through 11 define a function named calc_streak
; its name is specified on line 2. Understanding this code requires knowledge of the R language and the logic used to obtain the result. When you run this code in Rguroo, you can use the calc_streak
function to compute streak lengths of “H” for any vector consisting of a sequence of “H” and “M” values.
The variable basket in the dataset kobe_basket consists of “H” and “M” values. Line 13 shows how you can apply the function calc_streak
to the variable basket to obtain a vector comprising the streak lengths of “H” in the basket variable.
To use the above code in Rguroo’s Transform function, go to the Data toolbox, and in the Functions dropdown, select Transform. The Transform dialog box opens. Select the dataset kobe_basket from the Dataset
dropdown, and click the plus sign to create a new
. A Transform
in Rguroo consists of a new variable and the set of R code that you write to create it. On the left column, name your variable kobe_streak
and copy and paste the above R code in the center panel of the Transformation
function dialog, as shown below. You will notice that the variable kobe_streak gets added to the top of the Returned Variable
column on the right. We only like to retain the streak lengths, so drag all other variables to the lower panel labeled Excluded Variable
. Make sure that the Complete Cases Only
checkbox is checked. Click the Preview
button , and you will see a dataset with the kobe_streak variable only. Save the dataset as kobe_streak.
Using Rguroo’s Transform function to compute streak lengths
Why do we select Complete Cases Only? The kobe_streak variable that you obtained using the Transform function consists of 76 values, but since the kobe_streak
dataset has 133 rows, if you don’t check the Complete Cases Only checkbox, you would get rows 77 to 133 consisting of NA’s, denoting missing values. By selecting Complete Cases Only
, those unwanted NA’s are removed, and you get the 76 values for the kobe_streak variable.
From this point on, when we refer to the kobe_streak dataset, we refer to the dataset with 76 rows, regardless of whether you used Method 1 or Method 2 to obtain it.
Now let’s take a look at the distribution of these streak lengths by looking at a barplot of the streak lengths.
To create the barplot, in the Plots toolbox of Rguroo, select Create Plot and click on Barplot. The Barplot dialog box, shown below, opens. This dialog box has two tabs labeled Categorical
and Numerical
. These tabs are used to draw barplots for categorical and numerical variables, respectively. Since the variable kobe_streak is numerical, we choose the Numerical
tab. Then, select the kobe_streak Dataset
; you will see that the variable kobe_streak appears in the list box below the Dataset
dropdown. Move this variable to the Selected
column on the right. Finally, from the Function
dropdown on the right, select the option Counts. Click the Preview
button to see a barplot of the streak lengths. If you select the
Value Labels
option, you will see the counts of each streak length on top of each bar.
Barplot dialog box to get a plot of Kobe streak lengths
We’ve shown that Kobe had some long shooting streaks, but are they long enough to support the belief that he had a hot hand? What can we compare them to?
To answer these questions, let’s return to the idea of independence. Two processes are independent if the outcome of one process doesn’t effect the outcome of the second. If each shot that a player takes is an independent process, having made or missed your first shot will not affect the probability that you will make or miss your second shot.
A shooter with a hot hand will have shots that are not independent of one another. Specifically, if the shooter makes his first shot, the hot hand model says he will have a higher probability of making his second shot.
Let’s suppose for a moment that the hot hand model is valid for Kobe. During his career, the percentage of time Kobe makes a basket (i.e. his shooting percentage) is about 45%, or in probability notation,
\[ P(\textrm{shot 1 = H}) = 0.45 \]
If he makes the first shot and has a hot hand (not independent shots), then the probability that he makes his second shot would go up to, let’s say, 60%,
\[ P(\textrm{shot 2 = H} \, | \, \textrm{shot 1 = H}) = 0.60 \]
As a result of these increased probabilites, you’d expect Kobe to have longer streaks. Compare this to the skeptical perspective where Kobe does not have a hot hand, where each shot is independent of the next. If he hit his first shot, the probability that he makes the second is still 0.45.
\[ P(\textrm{shot 2 = H} \, | \, \textrm{shot 1 = H}) = 0.45 \]
In other words, making the first shot did nothing to effect the probability that he’d make his second shot. If Kobe’s shots are independent, then he’d have the same probability of hitting every shot regardless of his past shots: 45%.
Now that we’ve phrased the situation in terms of independent shots, let’s return to the question: how do we tell if Kobe’s shooting streaks are long enough to indicate that he has a hot hand? We can compare his streak lengths to someone without a hot hand: an independent shooter.
While we don’t have any data from a shooter we know to have independent shots, that sort of data is very easy to simulate in Rguroo. In a simulation, you set the ground rules of a random process and then the computer uses random numbers to generate an outcome that adheres to those rules.
As a simple example, you can simulate flipping a fair coin using the Random Selection function in the Probability-Simulation toolbox of Rguroo.
Follow the steps below to create a dataset that includes the two possibilities of heads and tails (see images below).
Select Create New Dataset from the Data Import
dropdown in the Data toolbox. This opens the Create New Dataset dialog where you need to specify the number of rows and columns for the dataset.
In the No. of Rows
textbox, enter 2, and in the No. of Columns
textbox, enter 1. Then, click the Create Dataset
button. This creates a dataset with two empty rows and one column.
Move your mouse to the header labeled Var1
and click on the three-horizontal-line icon that appears.
From the menu that appears, select Rename
. A textbox will appear where you can enter the name of the variable. Type in Coin_outcomes as the name.
In the first (top) cell of the dataset, type in heads and in the second (bottom) cell type in tails.
In the Save As textbox, enter coin as the name of the dataset. Finally, click the Save as button to save the dataset.
Rguroo dataset editor to create the Coin dataset
You can now use Rguroo’s Random Selection function to select one of the two choices (“heads” or “tails”) at random from the variable Coin_outcomes. This is like drawing one slip randomly from the hat. The figure below shows the Random Selection dialog box. Choose the Dataset
Coin from which we want to draw randomly. Type in the Sample Size
box the number 1, to ask for a single draw. Click the Preview
button . Did Rguroo draw heads or tails?
Random Selection function dialog to flip a coin
Click the Preview
button again. You will see a message that reads “Nothing has been changed. Do you want to continue?” Select the option
Preview anyway
and see what you get: heads or tails? Repeat this several times. Do you see any change in the result?
What is a seed? A computer program uses an algorithm to generates random values. These algorithms use a number to initialize the number generator called Random Seed. Setting a seed will cause Rguroo to select the same sample each time you preview the result. This will ensure your results don’t change each time you preview, and it will also ensure the reproducibility of your work (by setting the same seed, it will be possible to reproduce your results). In Rguroo, the default seed, shown in the Seed
text box, is 100. This number is completely arbitrary. If you need inspiration, you can use your ID, birthday, or just a random string of numbers. Every time you change the seed, Rguroo will generate different value(s), although, in the fair coin example, there is a 50% chance that two seeds lead to the same result. If you clear the seed from the Seed
text box in Rguroo, then you would generate a new random pick with every preview.
To open and close the Random Selection dialog box, click on the button. Clear the number 100 from the
text box and click the Preview
button several times. Each time, you will see a message that reads, “Nothing has been changed. Do you want to continue?” Select the option
Preview anyway
. Just like when flipping a coin, sometimes you’ll get a heads, sometimes you’ll get a tails, but in the long run, you’d expect to get roughly equal numbers of each.
If you wanted to simulate flipping a fair coin 100 times, you simply type in 100 in the Sample Size
text box. Make sure that you choose the option With
for Replace
. This tells Rguroo to do sampling with replacement. In essence, this option indicates that we put the slip of paper back in the hat before drawing again. (If you choose Without
instead, Rguroo will run out of options to pick after it’s picked heads
once and tails
once, and you will get an error message.)
The result of the 100 flips will appear in the Rguroo Data Viewer. The figure below shows 10 rows of the result in the Data Viewer.
A subset of 100 coin outcomes shown in the Data Viewer
You see two text boxes labeled Save As … and Save Dataset As … on top of the Data Viewer. These are used to save your work. The Save As … option saves all the parameters of the dialog box. Type sim_fair_coin in that box, and click the Save As … button. The name sim_fair_coin appears in the Probability-Simulation toolbox. If you sign out of Rguroo, or close your simulation tab, by double-clicking on this name, you will get back the dialog box that you were working on along with the data that you generated.
Now, in the text box next to Save Dataset As …, type in sim_fair_coin, and click the Save Dataset As … button. This will save the dataset containing the coin_outcomes variable as an independent dataset in the Data toolbox. The sim_fair_coin dataset can now be used in all functions of Rguroo.
You can tabulate the results of your simulation in Rguroo. Go to the Analytics toolbox, and in the Analysis dropdown, select Tabulation \(\rightarrow\) Categorical to open the Data Tabulation dialog box shown below.
Tabulation dialog to tabulate the result of the fair coin simlation
Select the Dataset
sim_fair_coin. Click on the , and type in a name like Fair Coin Flips in the text area that appears. In the
toolbox of the dialog, choose Coin_outcomes from the Factor 1
dropdown to tabulate this variable’s values. Also, check Counts
and Proportions
, and click the Preview
button . You will see two tables that show the number of heads and tails and the proportion of heads and tails that your simulation resulted in.
Since there are only two elements in coin_outcomes, the probability that we “flip” a coin and it lands heads is 0.5. Say we’re trying to simulate an unfair coin that we know only lands heads 20% of the time. To simulate this unfair coin, we need to add a “Probability” column to the “Coin” dataset. This column will contain a vector with the two probability weights.
Follow the steps below to add the Probability column and create the unfair_coin dataset:
Right-click on the Coin dataset name in the Data Toolbox and select Edit.
Click on the Add Rows/Variables icon , and choose Add Variables from the menu.
In the Add Variables dialog, enter 1 for the No. of Variables
field, select End
for the “Position”, and name the variable Probability
. Then, click the Add Variables
button to add the new variable.
Add Variable Dialog
Adding a probability column to simulate an unfair coin
Now, open the Random Selection dialog box and select the Dataset
unfair_coin. This time we chose the seed “32658” arbitrarily. You can choose a seed of your own. Also, in the Probability
dropdown, we select the Probability column that we added to the unfair_coin dataset. This ensures that heads is selected with probability 0.2, and tails is selected with probability 0.8. One more detail: in the section Sample a subset
, type in the number 1 for Columns
, as shown in the figure below. This is because the dataset unfair_coin has two columns of Coin_outcome and Probability, and we want to only to sample the first column, which is Coin_outcome.
Simulating an unfair coin
Another way of thinking about this simulation is to think of the outcome space as a bag of 10 chips, where 2 chips are labeled “head” and 8 chips “tail”. Therefore at each draw, the probability of drawing a chip that says “head”” is 20%, and “tail” is 80%.
In a sense, we’ve shrunken the size of the slip of paper that says “heads”, making it less likely to be drawn, and we’ve increased the size of the slip of paper saying “tails”, making it more likely to be drawn. When you simulated the fair coin, both slips of paper were the same size. This happens by default if you don’t provide a variable for Probability
in the Random Selection dialog; without specifying Probability
, all elements in the outcomes vector have an equal probability of being drawn.
If you want to learn more about the Random Selection function or any other function, recall that you can always check out Rguroo’s User’s Guide or watch Rguroo’s video tutorials.
Simulating a basketball player who has independent shots uses the same mechanism that you used to simulate a coin flip. To simulate a single shot from an independent shooter with a shooting percentage of 50%, you make a dataset, call it basket, consisting of two values “H” and “M”, representing a basket hit and basket missed. Then you use this dataset in Rguroo’s Random Selection function, as shown below.
Rguroo data editor to create the basket dataset
Random selection function dialog to simulate 100 shots with 50% success
To make a valid comparison between Kobe and your simulated independent shooter, you need to align both their shooting percentage and the number of attempted shots.
Create a new dataset, called independent_kobe, using the Data Editor. This dataset should have two variables, basket and Probability, with values reflecting a shooting percentage of 45%. Show a screenshot of the dataset you created.
Now, use the independent_kobe dataset to run a simulation to sample 133 shots. Show a screenshot of the Random Selection dialog that you use. Save the output of this simulation in a dataset called sim_basket.
With the results of the simulation saved as sim_basket, you now have the data necessary to compare Kobe to our independent shooter.
Both data sets represent the results of 133 shot attempts, each with the same shooting percentage of 45%. We know that our simulated data is from a shooter that has independent shots. That is, we know the simulated shooter does not have a hot hand.
Using the calc_streak
streak function in Rguroo’s Transform function, compute the streak lengths of the variable basket in your sim_basket data frame, and save the results in a data frame called sim_streak. Hint: Use Method 2.
Describe the distribution of streak lengths. What is the typical streak length for this simulated independent shooter with a 45% shooting percentage? How long is the player’s longest streak of baskets in 133 shots? Make sure to include a plot in your answer.
If you were to run the simulation of the independent shooter a second time, how would you expect its streak distribution to compare to the distribution from the question above? Exactly the same? Somewhat similar? Totally different? Explain your reasoning.
How does Kobe Bryant’s distribution of streak lengths compare to the distribution of streak lengths for the simulated shooter? Using this comparison, do you have evidence that the hot hand model fits Kobe’s shooting patterns? Explain.
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